Well, here I am. First entry on this account, despite the fact that I've had it for like, what, 2 years? More than that? Eh, I'll have to check on that.
Ok, a little bit about me.
I'm not a flash artist. As much as I'd love to give it a shot at some good ol' 2-D Sprite animation, I lack both the software and the courage. I mean, I know that the first one will probably suck, but I'm sure mine will get blammed within a week. Eh, stick to what I know, I guess.
Which is Sprite Artwork. Yes, I am a Sprite Artist. A minority among the ungodly large amounts of Anime Artists out there on DeviantArt. (Seriously. Try to find me. Try typing 'Link' or '8-bit' or 'DrkTr14ce'. Oh, wait, that last one was too specific. Oops.) It's nothing fancy nor complicated. Just go pixel by pixel, square by square. And then fill in the blanks. Of course, as I've proven with my Phantasy Star pictures, even little squares on graph paper can form into a damn impressive piece of work.
And that's all you're going to get out of me right now. You want to request a piece of work? Ask away. Ethier on here, DA (www.drktr14ce.deviantart.com), or look me up on Gaiaonline.
(Username: Kahrne Annabelle Lee)